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shopper brain conference europe
DUBLIN, 25-26 October 2023
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Elissa Moses

Elissa Moses, Ipsos Executive Vice President and Head of the Ipsos Neuro & Behavioural Science Centre. Elissa Moses established the Neuro & Behavioral Science Centre at Ipsos with the mission to develop System 1 metrics for integration into all aspects of client research.

With this goal, her team conducted extensive global R&D on multiple Neuro tools and providers to develop the most comprehensive, scalable and effective Neuro research tool portfolio in the industry including Implicit Reaction Time for understanding unconscious ad and brand impact, Facial Coding and Biometrics for Engagement and Emotion, Eye Tracking for Visual Attention and EEG for multiple measure exploration into passive consumer response. With wide spread adoption by many of world’s top Fortune 500 marketers, Ipsos is now the broadest scaled, fastest growing provider of neuro measures worldwide. Prior to joining Ipsos, Elissa was Chief Analytics Officer at EmSense where she pioneered neuro applications to ad testing, package testing and in-store shopper research. Earlier in her career, Elissa held senior research and strategy positions at Philips as SVP Global Consumer Intelligence and Strategy, Grey as Managing Partner, DMB&B as SVP, Head of Strategic Planning and Founder and Managing Director at The BrainWaves Group, a Trends, Strategy & Youth Consultancy. She is the author of The $100 Billion Allowance; Accessing the Global Teen Market, co-author of ESOMAR’s “36 Questions to Help Commission Neuroscience Research”, a JAR reviewer

Elissa speaks on Combining Neuro & Behavioral Economics At the Shelf
A breakthrough study that measures shopper in-store response to emotionally impacting experience using a combination of biometrics, mobile eye-tracking and self-reporting mobile software.
Together with Kirk Hendrickson